Kerri Rinaldi, Director of the Writing Center

August 31, 2021

Dear Writing Center staff and colleagues,

As you know from Sister Mary’s email this morning, our beloved colleague Sister Claudine Hagerty passed away yesterday. Sister Claudine served Immaculata University for over 25 years, first as the Admissions Director of the university, and for the last 15 years, as an invaluable staff member of the Writing Center: at one time serving as the Assistant Director, and most recently as our Dissertation Specialist. Both Sister Claudine and her family had a significant impact on the founding and establishment of the IU Writing Center.

Sister Claudine’s passing is a tremendous loss to the Writing Center and IU. She was such a compassionate and witty person, and so many students valued her no-nonsense approach coupled with her thoughtfulness and supportiveness. She could always be counted on to give writers exactly the type of reassurance and championing they needed.

Sister Claudine’s kind-heartedness extended beyond her work with students and into the lives of everyone she knew. Some of you will remember how at my baby shower, Sister Claudine not only gave me gifts for my baby girl, but also presents for my son addressed to the “new big brother,” so that he would feel special and included amongst all the gifts for his new sister. This is the kind of person that Sister Claudine was: an expansive kindness and thoughtfulness that touched the hearts of all around her.

Sister Claudine’s passing means that I have lost a true colleague and friend. Each of you have my condolences, as I know that those of you who had the pleasure of knowing her feel the same. I know that all of us will cherish her memory.

Take good care,
