By Jessica Wolfgang ’25, Staff Writer

Pirates of the Caribbean, a beloved movie series of Disney fans, will be adjusting to some current difficulties. The series involves a famous fictional pirate, Jack Sparrow, and his many thrilling adventures. Usually Jack creates a problem, faces it, and handles it all while having his trusty rum by his side. Alas, this thrilling character’s story may come to an end.
Johnny Depp, the star of it all, has been titled a wife-beater (The Sun). His ex-wife, Amber Heard, has come forth and spoke about “14” allegations that caused Johnny to be fired from important roles. (The Guardian) The judge having ruled in her favor this time around, has put Johnny Depp’s current career in great jeopardy. Having been fired from both Pirates of the Caribbean as well as the Harry Potter prequel series, Fantastic Beasts (Desai), both Harry Potter fans and Pirates fans have been put into confusion and disappointment as to how the series will continue without the main star.
In Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow, a heavy trickster, must handle situations with his wit and negotiation skills rather than by force (Wikipedia). He advances the plot by constantly creating and solving problems. Mutiny with a once trusted mate? An un-solved deal with the Locker himself? Hidden treasures? Usually, Jack Sparrow is behind it all. Constantly keeping the movie going and leaving the audience wondering what Captain Sparrow will be involved in next. He also contributes with his iconic comedic relief like, “Why is the rum always gone?” To remove this star, would be devasting to the movie’s plot.
Fans are currently in distress over the rumors of Disney’s new plans. As of recently, Johnny Depp will not be the leading role of Pirates of the Caribbean from here on out. Disney supposedly plans on making a female Jack Sparrow, starring Margot Robbie, the Harley Quinn star. Movie fanatics are disappointed with this approach, and would rather have a movie perhaps referencing Disney World’s ride, Pirates of the Caribbean (Rosa). Though, Disney can absolutely do more without damaging the plot further.
Consider this, the new movie highlights important characters that have already been introduced. There are multiple plot holes in the movies that have left fans wondering what on earth happened that can be used to this effect. For example, what ever happened to Barbosa’s lover that he supposedly had a kid with? Why did Calypso not return to Davy Jones like she was supposed to? Did Davy Jones die after he was thrown into the sea at the end of At World’s End? Disney has many opportunities to do a movie series highlighting all these missed plots and loop holes, so why bring in another new character? Instead, bring back a fan favorite like Calypso and Davy Jones’ love history.
Pirates of the Caribbean tells of two people who were madly in love, but what is their status now? The movie explains that one was once a man, the other a sea goddess and both betrayed the other. The man betrayed the sea goddess by telling others how to use her. The sea goddess betrayed the man by giving not meeting him ten years of separation like she promised. The man technically is a monster with a gross looking tentacle face, but why? When they finally see each other again, they’re both still in love even after a thousand-year-old betrayal, and still get emotional over their love lockets? What is going on here?
The man and the sea goddess only remain one pot hole for Disney’s fans beloved series, but there are many more still lurking. Disney can make any decision they want, but perhaps they should consider the feelings of their dear audience. After all, that is where they get all their support from. As Johnny Depp is still battling out his trial to reveal whatever truth that may be, Disney has an opportunity to do something that will keep the Jack Sparrow and Johnny Depp fans content, allowing them to still love their beloved series.