Jordan Miller ’23, Managing Editor

Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. I appreciate a lot of the religious traditions that go along with it such as Ash Wednesday or participating in a reading of Stations of the Cross. Easter Sunday always feels so warm to me. After all, it is the day we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead and ascending into heaven. While Easter has become commercialized as many holidays are, it is important to remember the roots of this day. There is something about the whole journey up until Easter that just feels so special. I’m going to walk you through some of my family’s Easter traditions.

We typically start the morning off by going to an early Easter mass. For the past couple of years, we weren’t able to attend in person due to concerns around the pandemic, but in those cases, we watched an online live stream posted by our local church. After the service, we enjoy a nice breakfast made by my mom. It is wonderful to gather around and eat as a family because we usually do not get the chance to do that most days out of the year.

In the afternoon we head over to my aunt’s house where we get to spend time with some extended family and enjoy a nice dinner together. Everyone contributes to the meal (this year I will be bringing the dessert). I really appreciate these moments. This year will be extra special because my extended family has not had a full intimate gathering since before the pandemic. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up with my relatives.

This will be my grandfather’s 100th Easter. I am looking forward to eating dinner with him and spending time with him. Even though I see him every day, he seems to really light up whenever there is a birthday or holiday celebration. I feel truly blessed to watch him meet these milestones in his life and I am so grateful that he has lived such a long life.

My mom and I love to make a special family recipe each year, my grandmom’s chocolate-covered buttercream eggs. We love to keep up with these traditions, especially now since my grandmother has late-stage dementia. We want to keep her traditions alive.

I love these family traditions. I look forward to the holidays each year because it gives us designated time to be present with one another. Life is busy, and we are constantly working. Taking this time to unwind and be together is a gift that money could never buy.

This Easter, try to really connect with your family if possible. You will cherish the moments in the future. No matter what your Easter traditions look like, take a moment to pray. Pray for whatever you need to, be with family, and take just a moment to be with Jesus. Happy Easter from your friends at the Immaculatan!