By Yaskara Albarado-Claros, staff writer
While browsing YouTube out of boredom a few months back, I came upon a movie that to this day has been a part of my top 10 favorite movies list. Swing Girls, a Japanese film made in 2004, follows the unexpected journey of bored and lazy high school girls as they are forced to replace their school band over an accidental food poisoning incident. The movie combines some characteristics and cliches that are often seen in western “underdog” films while still adding its own unique flare to the genre. It pulls at your heartstrings with comedy, slice of life, and most importantly a wonderful soundtrack.
Don’t let it fool you; this film isn’t a movie you have to look very deep into. In fact, it doesn’t take itself too seriously and even makes fun of itself in some instances. At some point, the main members are looking for mushrooms to sell because they need money for their jazz band and they end up being chased by a wild boar. The whole scene is depicted in a suspended animation style with the group running for their lives while the song “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong is playing in the background.

Nevertheless, the movie is a lovely example that cinema doesn’t have to be serious or a blockbuster and go overboard all the time. There is very little computer-generated imagery so you get to really be in the realistic mindset of the protagonist, Tomoko, as she lives her life in a small rural town in Japan. The backgrounds and style of the movie make you feel relaxed while also making you interested in what happens in the lives of the band members.
The characters aren’t overly competitive nor are they big overachievers who try to defeat their school rivals. They are just teens being immature, trying to skip math class, and having fun while following their newly discovered musical passions. Co-written and directed by Shinobu Yaguchi, the movie has heart as shown in its fantastic cast, who were trained to perform their instruments live in concerts across Japan. And no, you don’t have to know anything about jazz to enjoy watching. The characters don’t even know anything about it until a certain point in the movie either.
If you’re not afraid of subtitles and have less than 2 hours on your calendar to spare, you can put this movie on your watchlist. It’s worth the watch and the laughs.