Elizabeth Miller ’25, Staff Writer
In January of 2022, the first Thursday after moving back to school after winter break, a group of friends gathered for their weekly movie night. Little did anyone know that this would be the quiet beginnings of the Mighty Mac Affirmations account. Now, in January of 2023, Mags, Ciani, Mei Lin, Alice, and myself have revealed that we are the group behind this fun account. Here is the story of how we created the account and some behind the scenes of the past year.
It was mostly a joke, really. The topic of funny affirmation accounts came up over dinner, and one of us had bought a silly sweatshirt with an affirmation on it a few months before. We kept talking about it later, and the Michigan State University Affirmations account was mentioned. We joked that we could do it, and we were in love with the idea as soon as thought arose. We already had ideas for so many funny posts. Mags, our beloved admin, stepped up and created the account the next day. She also makes all of the affirmation designs.
The account was an immediate hit. Within a few days it had reached our target audience. Over the semester Mags would create and post the ideas we came up with. But, very soon, questions about anonymity arose. The mystery behind who ran the account was alluring, and it was so fun to hear other people talk about who it could be. Our closest friends may have been able to guess, but really we weren’t anyone special on campus. However, we knew the questioning energy about who ran the account wouldn’t last forever. A reveal would be necessary in the future to keep the account relevant. The question then became when were we going to reveal. Because Mags was, and still is, the main force behind the account, we left that decision to her. She decided that the one year anniversary would be a good time.
In March 2022 I wrote the article, “Mighty Mac Affirmations: An Exclusive Interview,” where we hinted at a reveal. In all honesty, we were pretty sure no one would figure out it was us from the article. It was a risk, but the small thrill was fun and we wanted to see how far we could take it.
Speaking of the article, I did actually hold the interview over Instagram dms. Even though we were sitting in the same room, I would send the questions, have Mags type and send all of the responses, and then I reformatted everything. This was just in case anyone happened to ask if I really didn’t know who the admin was. I had proof the interview was over Instagram, but in reality I did know, it was my roommate and friend group all along!
We hope the account has sparked some laughs on campus, and we have noticed it’s inspired some new accounts this semester. We don’t have any plans to end the account thus far, and hopefully we will continue to bring smiles to you all with our posts. If this is the first time you have heard of the account, you can follow us on Instagram @mightymacaffirmations.
Here are some of our favorite posts from this year: