Abigail Yarrison ’24, Editor-in-Chief

Busy schedules, stress, and anxiety are common in college students. However, there are lots of good ways to destress and take a mental health break, like the new Yoga Club on campus! Founded by freshman Sarah Harper, the yoga club is the perfect place to relax and de-stress from busy schedules, find encouragement and empowerment, gain knowledge of different wellness practices, feel healthier, and just have fun. 

Sarah has personally experienced the positive impact that yoga can have on a person’s life. Physically, yoga can improve flexibility and posture, build muscle, help with balance, and has even been shown to improve sleep. Yoga also has benefits on a person’s mental and spiritual life as well. The meditation and repetitive breathing included in yoga have been shown to relieve stress and anxiety. Exercise of any kind is beneficial for self-esteem and mental health. Spiritually, yoga comes from Ancient India where it was practiced in meditation and religion. Yoga helps ground us and still our minds so we can become aware of ourselves or connect deeply with our surroundings. All these benefits of yoga make it a popular exercise or relaxation technique in the world today.

The Yoba Club meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm at various locations on campus, including the IHM Center Multipurpose Room, the Villa Maria Green Room, and the Faculty Center Lounge. The executive board includes Sarah as President, Vice President Tessa Kane, Treasurer Berrangere Saintillien, Secretary Mei Lin McWilliams, and Advisor Margaret Gamble, who is also a Nutrition Professor and Yoga Instructor. Together they have created a safe space for students to come to experience the restorative and strengthening benefits of yoga, positively impacting the IU community one namaste at a time! Follow their Instagram @iu_yoga_club to learn about events!