De-Sean Hubert, Staff Writer

Image Sourced from De-Sean Hubert

During Spring Break, volunteers from Campus Ministry traveled to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and worked with Habitat for Humanity. The students, along with two staff members helped with the construction of two houses.The group installed the truss and joists for the floor system of one home, and installed laminate flooring in another house. The most important part of the trip was teamwork. It took a lot of trust and strong bonds which paid off. The volunteers took the time to express their experience and favorite part about the trip: 

“I loved getting to meet new people while doing good things. It was a wonderful trip. I was blessed to be able to go on!” – Ava Dibabbo 

“I liked making new friends and building houses for others. If I didn’t go, I would not have come out with new friends. I loved the experience and would probably do it again.” – Saraina Falkenstein, Khalil Reed 

“I just love doing service work and being able to go to North Carolina and build houses for people was a time I won’t forget.” – Zach Maiorano 

“Being able to help people get a home was so wonderful. We worked together as a team and learned how to work on a house foundation.” – Sister Susan Cronin

Image Sourced from De-Sean Hubert

“I loved the whole week of the service trip, making new friends and reconnecting with God. Amazing days!” – Fabiola Arones  

“During the service trip in the Spring, I really enjoyed meeting new friends and learning some new skills.” – Melodey Falkenstein 

“My most loving part about it was the teamwork and the bonding that we had with each other. I loved that we had each other’s backs throughout the whole week” – De-Sean Hubert 

“My favorite part of the trip was making new connections and having the ability to pour love into everyone. It was truly a blessing to be an active member in something bigger than myself!” – Nickoy Nunes

“A service trip, for me, is all about encounters – whether with those I’m serving or those I’m serving with. This trip I was not blessed with encountering any upcoming homeowners, as the structure of Habitat for Humanity does not allow for that. But I had several genuine encounters with long-term Habitat volunteers and had a couple of deep discussions about faith with two AmeriCorps volunteers. I was honored by their trust and openness, and I am grateful for what they taught me. I will carry these encounters in my heart, though I may never see them again. We did not agree on everything, but I can truly say I saw God in each of them.” – Mary Steinbicker  “I was blessed to witness students form a community and care for one another throughout the week. I enjoyed the conversations I had with students and the ability to get to know them individually and as a group over the course of the trip. Additionally, I am proud of the hard work and dedication of my peer ministers, Mary Steinbicker and Theresa Arata, who helped to create the content and reflection materials for the Scala trips and who worked so diligently to make the trips a success for their peers.” – Amanda Bielat

Image Sourced from De-Sean Hubert