Emma Frank ’24 and Genny Conlon ’24, Staff Writers

While there is an inherent challenge in having to adjust to the change in format, college students’ natural desire to make connections made me optimistic that we can create a variety of programs in Student Life. Some projects have been successful, such as Welcome Week’s game night or the Involvement Fair, and others less so, but I feel we understand the climate of things a bit better each time Immaculata presents a new activity.
Ultimately, if we can receive feedback from the students we are trying to serve we can make improvements to create the best environment possible during this time. One thing I was proud of was the approach to New Student Orientation this summer. It was certainly a challenge to engage first time freshmen and transfers in this new format, but there were some great student leaders helping to push the boundaries for what we thought was possible virtually. If you take a look at the new Orientation Instagram created this summer, iu_NSO2020,there are a lot of programs and promotions that attempt to connect students with what they need. They also created an NSO Discord, similar to the Student Life one you can join, it is a platform where students can connect with one another and get updates on what is happening around the IU community. There have been a lot of changes happening on the App, Instagram, Discord, and even the Dome Digest so students should be sure to check them out consistently.