Stephanie Marinelli ‘25, Managing Editor
My father’s birthday occurs during everyone’s favorite month, September. Yep, the best time of the year! A full 30 days of adjustment, stress, late nights, early mornings, and no exciting holidays to celebrate. In a way, I feel bad for the guy. His kids have all gone back to college, and are in too deep to take a weekend for an all-out extravaganza. Sure, he could go for dinner with my mother, or stay at a resort for the night, but it just wouldn’t be the same without me there. I just know I’m his favorite, even if he vehemently disagrees.
The thing is, me and my Dad are very much alike in several ways. He always thinks he’s right, I always think I’m right… We both pride ourselves on our work, and are more rational, than emotionally inclined. We both rely on sarcasm to communicate and cope…and we both have terrible birthdays (mine is August 29th). But there’s hope in this fact.
I believe that people are more willing to spend money on you when they have less time to think about it. It’s a pity gift. “Hey, sorry your birthday is on a day when absolutely no one is available! Here’s twenty bucks, go crazy.”
So, Dad, while I may not be able to celebrate with you as much I’d like to, consider the inherent benefits. I would even try milking it a bit, and telling several others just how busy you are on your birthday (JUST KIDDING, DON’T GET GREEDY).
All jokes aside, I hope that you have enjoyed your days around the sun so far, and understand that no matter when or how we celebrate, our family loves and appreciates you dearly. Just try to avoid the sobering thoughts of aging if you can–it’s my job to remind you of that.
Happy late birthday old man.

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