Mac, Staff Writer

Hey everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m Mac, Immaculata University’s mascot. My day started off like any other day. I sat up in bed and thought about how lucky I am to say I have a home under the Dome. After I get up, I put on my shirt, my socks, and my shoes. Sometimes I need a little help tying those laces because my paws make it a bit difficult. 

Before heading out, I’ll check my schedule to see what I get to do for the day. Then I head on over to the dining hall where I get my special food bowl full of my favorite breakfast: pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Those cooks know exactly what a dog needs!

Today, I decided that I should spend some time on my dance routine. I went to the auxiliary gym in Alumnae Hall to figure things out. I turned on my favorite song, Who Let the Dogs Out, and started jamming. I got a little carried away, though, and almost wiped out. I needed a break, so I went back to my cozy bed to take a quick nap.

After my nap, I went to the dining hall to get some lunch. Today was my absolute favorite lunch. I had a chicken and cheese wrap with curly fries. I can never resist those tasty curly fries!

Then I went to visit some buddies around campus. I stopped by Villa Maria Hall to see some of my friends in Academic Affairs and the Business Office. Then, I stopped by President Lettiere’s office to say hello, and she gave your dog a tasty treat! After that I went to Campus Ministry to say hi to Sister Laura and everyone else down there.

Before dinner, I went to the library to hangout with some students. Everyone was doing their school work and studying. Immaculata is full of such great students. One of the students stopped by Immaculatte and got me a pup cup. That was so great of them!

Thankfully that pup cup didn’t ruin my appetite. I left the library and went over to the Student Center for dinner and ordered the Mac Sammy, one of the most delicious things offered there! I dropped by the basement floor of the Student Center to play the Wii and some pingpong with students. I love playing games!

After such a long fun day, all I can think about is how grateful I am to be here. I can’t think of a better home than a home under the Dome.